Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Princess and the Quest for Love, part 2 (or, Why Didn't I Just Stick to My Original Plan)

I like to think that I'm not the sort of princess who likes to play stupid relationship games.  I like to think that I'm a fairly mature woman.  I like to think that I'm clear with my intentions.  Perhaps I'm just deluded.
When Scarlett and I realized Sheep52 told us different names, we were quite suspicious of the guy.  She decided that she was finished talking to him.  I thought that maybe there was a valid reason for the different names, like, maybe a friend of his was chatting with Scarlett on the instant messenger, that sort of thing.  So I decided to ask. 
"I'm not a games-y sort of gal, so I'm going to be straightforward about this...why does my friend (who is also on mormondatingsite) think your name is damien?"  

I have changed his name and the name of the dating site, to protect those that haven't permitted me to use their information, but the rest is just copy/pasted from the email message I sent.  I probably could have phrased it better, maybe I should have written something along the lines of, "My friend was instant messaging with your screen name on mormondatingsite and whoever was typing the messages told her his name is Damien.  You told me your name is Joe.  What's going on?"  But I didn't think of that until later.  He did reply to my query, though.
"I don`t know, surprise me"
 Huh?  I'm still not sure how that made exact sense in relation to the question I asked.  Ok, maybe the "I don't know" bit makes sense, but "surprise me"?  But he didn't offer anything by way of explanation, so I decided, like Scarlett, that I was finished talking to him and I didn't write back.  Two weeks later, I got this:
"your last message said the your friend told you I am someone else and I asked you to surprise me ( or prove) what your friend said but got no answer so obviously your friend couldn`t prove it and thats why you didn`t reply from you.
I am not in this site for gossip but to find my  best mate(wife) and have not time for soap opera, now tell me what you are looking for........"
 I would like to take a moment to point out a few things (although, I'm not even sure where to begin).  Thing the first:  Since when does "surprise me" translate into "prove it"?  Thing the second:  Maybe I'm weird (okay, I know I'm weird, but not for this), but if someone doesn't write back to me within three days I assume they've blown me off and I get on with my life.  Thing the third:  After two weeks of not realizing he'd been blown off, he writes like he's still maybe interested, but is full of provocation and arrogance, too.  That pissed me right-the-hell off.  But, I'm a fairly reasonable princess, and so I wrote back.
"Here's the thing...someone with the username Sheep52 told my friend his name is something different than what the same username told me his name is. It's a situation that makes me suspicious. I don't like games, so I'm done with the guy who has the username Sheep52."
I like to think that was fairly clear.  Perhaps I should have given him the specific story, but that really wasn't the point I wanted to get across.  The point I wanted to get across was that I was finished with him.  Really, though, I should have just stuck with my original plan of just being finished with talking to him!!!  He wrote back.
"looks like you are gossip type of gal who can make my life miserable because of it. I don`t like that he said-she said thing. You need to grow up and be a mature woman; I have no interest in you anymore, bye"
 I didn't write back this time.  I knew there was no way to go about it without being immature.  But I really wanted to.  I really wanted to point out that I'd already said I was done with him.  I really wanted to point out that he was stupid for not understanding that two weeks of not hearing from me already meant that I had lost interest in him.  And I really, REALLY, REALLY wanted to point out that he was an arrogant dick with severely flawed logical reasoning,  and that he didn't proofread his outgoing messages.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Princess and the Quest for Love, part 1

There are many princesses who are not interested in finding a charming prince.   I am decidedly not one of those sorts.  As a non-drinker, I have no interest in looking for princes in bars.  Clubs are too loud for proper conversation.  I'm very shy and so I don't go out of my way to start chatting up guys at social events.  So far, no charming prince has approached me and professed his undying love for me.  Therefore, I have commenced on a Quest for Love via internet matchmaking sites.  
I tried one called, but the men there were skeazy so I deleted my profile.  Now, I am trying a paid site that is geared toward Mormons.  I figured since I want to marry a Mormon charming prince that a site with lots of them in one place would make my quest easier.  This is what I have in my "greeting" on that site:
A little about me...
I am a short, round-ish, darling brunette. I enjoy reading and can spend hours wandering around bookstores finding that next perfect read. I favor comedy and action movies, with suspense thrown in for spice. I detest chick-flicks and I hope you do, too. I have a very eclectic taste in music I like at least a few songs from just about every genre, but my most favorite songs tend to be classic rock. I do spend a lot of time putting on eye makeup, but it's not because I'm high maintenance-I just really enjoy playing with colors (I was totally that kid in art class who never got anything painted because mixing the paints was just more fun). I love retro-styles in music, in dress, in make-up (I prefer writing with fountain pens, I hand-write and mail thank you cards, I wear pin-up make up, and I prefer suspender-belts and stockings to pantyhose). I'm pretty much amazing ;-)
How I feel about the Church...
I feel very happy to know that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth. It's such a blessing to have a living prophet guiding us today.

What I do for fun...
I enjoy playing card games, seeing movies, talking with friends, and trying out new restaurants. I definitely enjoy cuddling and spending lots of time with my love interest, but there are definitely times when I simply need a girls night out. I read a lot, usually suspense, but I'm now getting into reading in the sci-fi and fantasy genres. I love kids and I hope to have some one day.

My good buddy and fellow princess Scarlett is also searching for love on this same site, and we like to share stories about our quests.  Since she and live near each other, sometimes we get matched up with the same prince (and we've found that they're not always charming).  One evening Scarlett told me that she had been instant message chatting with a guy on the site who said he wanted to meet her in person, and then...and then...and then her internet died and she couldn't reply to his request.  Poor Scarlett.  After comisserating with her for a bit, I shared my news, which was that some guy had given me his phone number.  
I'm not sure what drove her to think this next thought, but I'm glad she did.  "His name isn't Sheep52, is it?" she said (this was a text messaging conversation we had).  "Lol, yes, that's the guy," I wrote back.  "And his name is Damien?" she asked.  Hmmmm, starting to look fishy.  "Uhhhh, he told me his name is Joe," I replied.  A day or two later, Scarlett and I were at a friend's house and used his computer to look up the Sheep52 profile.  Indeed, it was the same guy.
To be continued...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

When life is like a fairytale

Once upon a time (1998 or 1999), in a tropical land, far, far away (BYU-Hawaii), there lived a beautiful, but VERY near-sighted, princess named Whitney (yes, it was me).  In this beautiful land, our princess lived in an all-women kingdom (Hale 2), in her own small castle (dorm room)
which was about 6 steps away from a magical waterfall (the bathroom-toilets, sinks, and showers). The castle door had a knob which was the sort that, even when locked, could still be turned from the inside. When Princess wanted to wash, she was in the habit of stripping down in her castle, setting her eyeglasses on her desk, and wrapping up in a towel (in all fairness, it was a huge towel-about four feet tall by five feet wide), then she would grab her basket of toiletries, unlock her castle door, and go (partially) blindly to the waterfall. She'd just dress herself once she was again in her castle.
One day, the princess forgot a vital bit of her routine-- a mishap she didn't realize until after she had washed.
There she stood at her castle door, freshly washed, wrapped in the towel (purple, the color of royalty), her dark, curly hair dripping wet, her basket of toiletries in hand, and her eyes squinting (partially) blindly at the castle doorknob, which was outright refusing to turn. Crap. Her key was locked inside the castle, with her clothes. Crap. So our princess (partially) blindly walked toward the gatekeepers of the kingdom to get a spare key.  
However, the path to the gatekeeper's realm wound right past a common room in which men from surrounding kingdoms were visiting. Poor Princess was just too shyly modest to be wearing only a towel and then walk past a bunch of men. Instead, she walked back toward her castle, and started knocking on her neighbors' doors. It wasn't until the third door that she found a friend home, and dressed, who would go to the gatekeeper to get a spare key. And the princess was able to get back into her castle. She got dressed and put on her glasses and took the key back to the gatekeepers. She went back to her castle, only to find it locked with her key inside. Again. 
At least she was dressed and glassesed this time when she went to get the spare key.  It should be made known that Princess is not always this much of an airhead.  Just sometimes ;-)